Thursday, October 8

*sigh,,,,,,* fml

new post!

finally im almost done with college apps! although im a but questionable about my essay i think its alright, but im going to get feedback on it. lets see, nervous about school because of mock congress, i havent really gotten around to government work and im kind of falling behind, ill catch up this sunday.

Saturday, August 22

The End of Summer

The beginning of summer i'd rate a 6 while i was experiencing it, but around a 7.5 in hindsight and retrospect. I may not have liked Denver or CU Boulder very much then, but i do now and i value the experience. Mid summer in china? It was OK, like always. The end of summer I would give a 9 or 10. Meeting a new friend and become great close friends with Kelsey was awesome and so was getting to talk to my old friends.

Critical Critic: On Health Care Reform

People need to stop their whining and nagging about national health care. It's never going to happen. Adding another $1,500,000,000,000 to our federal costs is not going to make anything bigger beyond a dent (with a dent defined herein as 6% of the pop). It has happend before. Under the Clinton administration, but it was revoked by congress 17 months later because the people whom were paying for it (not you, the person whining, but the wealthy) found out. 1.5 TRILLION dollars and extra taxes in a recession does sound well to the top money earners. No, you may not have to 7 figure salary they do, but you also dont have an income tax hovering around 40%. The cost for more than 6% of the population that needs national health care? Over $10,000,000,000,000.

Sunday, May 17

Critical Critic: On Corn Ethanol

America is going all wrong about the whole corn ethanol thing, corn ethanol is allll wrong...
methanol and atrazine are produced and used (respectively) during the process of making corn ethanol and the side effects of both read like the side effects of narcotics: heart attacks, lung issues, mental health degeneration, etc... cancer...

and the amount of land we use needs to increase from 73M acres to 270+ million acres along with 95M Tonnes of atrazine per year.

and that does not include to increasing dead zone in the gulf of mexico that is a direct cause of atrazine...

*sigh* america sucks...

Wednesday, February 18

Halo Wars

Go Halo Wars!!!!!!!! i pre ordered it, $90!!! so gay, wow. shipping tax+sales tax=$$$ :(

Friday, February 6


w00t i got a 4.00 for my junior year 1st semester!!!

here are my classes:

English: A--- ~4pts

U.S. History: A- ~4pts

Alebra II/Trigonometry: B- ~3pts

French 4 AP: B+ ~4pts

Biology AP: A ~5pts

Sports Medicine1: A- ~4pts


1: Glenn Barker Roccckkksss my soxxxx!!! :D>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>